Monday, January 26, 2015

Review Time: Leaf & Love

And so we meet again. 

A lot has changed for me since my last entry. One major change being my diet.

After MONTHS (maybe even years) of my endocrinologist wanting to get me on a really low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet, I finally did it.

I made a New Year's Resolution and I've (so far) stuck to it! 

A major success for me, was weaning myself off of the Diet Coke.

Anyone who knows a diabetic, or, say, a twenty-something gal who needs to operate on x-amount of caffeine milligrams per day, knows the struggle of Diet Coke.

There are several research articles about what the aspartame can do to one's overall health. I read an article recently, that stated aspartame was “200 times sweeter than sucrose.” Sure, there are claims that aspartame is "completely safe to consume," but when my endocrinologist worried about my Diet Coke consumption, that was all the reassurance I needed to ditch it for good.

After kicking Diet Coke to the curb, I turned to Twitter to complain about life on three (or more) liters of water per day. It's boring, it's tasteless, and frankly, I was ready to cry.

I was pleasantly surprised by a response from a California-based company, called Leaf & Love. 

The woman behind the tweet replied with the following statement that was music to my ears:

How awesome is that? The MOTHER of a TYPE 1 DIABETIC? Sign me up!

I was fortunate enough to receive 3 samples of their clever mix.

Here are the Nutrition Facts. 

How amazing is this? Gluten-free AND non-GMO? The women behind this product are geniuses!

I happily indulged in a 200 mL "juice box" lemonade after my lunch one afternoon, and was pleasantly surprised.

The lemonade is not overly-bitter, and the Stevia gives it just the right touch. It's not too sweet, it's not too sour, it's just perfect enough to quench those "I Want Something Other Than Water That Won't Kill Me" tastebuds and cravings.

Julie handled my request via e-mail and Twitter, and the people of this company are so pleasant and cheery.

The colors of their product really reflect their personality—fun, and a true delight.

Their product is even loved by Lita Richardson, executive producer of CBS "The Doctors." 

Please give them a follow and say "Hi" via Twitter, @LeafandLove, or via their Facebook page. 

The lemonade "juice boxes" aren't available in my area, but you can order their product off of Amazon.

I hope you'll give them a try—either for yourself, or for your little ones! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Food Should Taste Good

On August 6, 2014, I came home to a big brown package on my doorstep.

Upon opening the package, and inspecting its content, I was happy to discover that I had been "chipped" by Food Should Taste Good.

For those of you who are not familiar with this company, I will be happy to provide you some background.

Food Should Taste Good, or FSTG, is a company based out of Waltham, Massachusetts, the company's founder, Pete Lescoe, created a variety of chips using natural ingredients. The year was 2006.

In 2007, founder Pete Lescoe earned a space on grocery store shelves, with his first two creations: Multigrain, and Jalapeño. 

Since those two flavors hit the shelves, many others have been created. Some of my favorites include the guacamole and cinnamon flavors.

As a type 1 diabetic, I had previously been advised by my endocrinologist to eat a gluten-free diet. As you know, many gluten-free items are expensive, plus they don't taste the greatest (to me).

My prayers have been answered! These chips are delightful. They taste as if they just came out of the oven or frier—taste is not compromised here. You don't get the, "I'm-So-Thirsty" feeling while eating these, either (think salt).

Let's start with the jalapeño flavor. You have your basic tortilla chip shape, and you get the saltiness that you would expect from such a chip. But with the jalapeño flavor, you get the sharpness of the heat, plus you know what you're eating is good for you—look at that texture! The chip pictured on the bag, looks exactly like what you're going to eat. And all those flax seeds! They give it an edge; Anyone who has ever tasted flax seed, I'm sure, is aware of the nutty flavor that you taste. These Jalapeño chips are great alone, or with fresh salsa. 

The multigrain tortilla chips are another delicious flavor. They aren't dry, by any means. The chip literally melts in your mouth. I loved eating these with a spreadable cheese (like Gouda), or fresh, homemade salsa.

The guacamole chips were pretty good. I was a little nervous about the flavor, but it really did taste like guacamole. The spices on it lingered in my mouth, even after the bag had been finished. Out of all 4 flavors, this was probably number 4. That's not to say I would never eat them or buy them again, though. 

Oh, man. Sweet potato chips. Lord, have mercy. These chips were the best. I ate the whole bag in one sitting—you don't even have to accompany them with dip or salsa, they speak for themselves. My little brother got a taste, and he loved them. He isn't exactly sure what "gluten free" means, but he said he would buy them on his own, without knowing their nutritional value. 

I did an experiment of my own with these chips vs. Tostitos. My blood sugars after the Food Should Taste Good brand were right where they should be, meaning I was within range. The gluten-free chips did no damage to my blood sugars. I didn't feel sleepy or like I had a high blood sugar during my post-prandial glucose levels. 

However, eating the well-known tortilla chips (Tostitos), I felt so thirsty during and after the taste test. The ingredients state that, while they may appear to be gluten-free, they still contain "some wheat." 

My blood sugars after the Tostitos brand were catastrophic. I was running between 208-254 mg/dL, two hours after eating them. 

And that, my diabetic friends, is enough evidence for me. 

I will only ever eat the FSTG brand when it comes to snack chips. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get to your nearest grocery shelves and find the Food Should Taste Good label! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Confession Hour: “Under Construction.”

“Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed down-stairs one step at a time.”—Mark Twain

Recovery is an ongoing process; It's as simple as that.

My previous blog posts about diabulimia invited readers into my closet, filled with skeletons.

I chose to reveal my secrets and deepest confessions, in order to raise awareness, and help other type 1 diabetics, who may have been struggling with the same demons.

My confession is this: I relapsed.

"Relapse" is a word I choose to use carefully; I'm not a drug user, however, I abuse my insulin—the drug needed to keep me alive.

My relapse started two days before Christmas (2013).

I was upset about all the weight that I had gained—weight that stuck to my body like glue. This weight was, for lack of a better word, "healthy weight." Weight that in September, I had been proud to bear with a hemoglobin a1c level of 7.4%.

I credit my Dexcom for helping me realize where I needed to make changes to my basal rates on my Medtronic insulin pump. The Dexcom opened my eyes to my blood sugar patterns. These patterns were adjusted consistently. I watched everything that I ate. I gave up Diet Coke for lemon water. I decreased my carbohydrate intake to 40 or less grams per day, all in the name of the diagnosis of "controlled type 1 diabetes, without mention of complications."

I had my Christmas shopping done in less than 4 hours. I packed up my things and journeyed home to stay with my family for the holiday.

I made a conscious decision to stop bolusing for my food. The only insulin I was receiving, was my 31.2 units of my basal, or "background" insulin.

I savored every bite of Christmas cookies and mashed potatoes. I did not bolus. My blood sugars were averaging a startling 330 mg/dL, but I didn't care.

Thirst came quickly; I dove back into downing Diet Coke, which only ended up increasing my thirst. I was getting up at night to use the bathroom. My sleep was constantly interrupted—I woke up grumpy.

Eventually, after the holidays, I stopped checking my blood sugar. I knew it was going to be high, so, what was the point in wasting my precious OneTouch test strips on a bad number?

New Years Eve came, then my February birthday. No bolus, or blood sugar check for my birthday cake. I felt no remorse.

I checked my weight around Valentine's Day, which had come down 12 pounds since Christmas. I was not happy with the result, but, my pants did feel loose, and for that, I was grateful.

March was quickly approaching, and I was giddy with excitement of traveling to JDRF Government Day in Washington, DC. I travelled alongside my best friend, Jenna, who is also a type 1 diabetic.

Packing for my trip was easy—I had all of my clothes ready, and I made sure to not pack high heels, with all of the walking we would be doing on Capital Hill. I knew that while I was there, I would need a set change, so I did pack extra infusion sets. I brought one vial of insulin, which was exactly enough for my reservoir, which was filled with 200 units.

Throughout the trip in DC, I checked my blood sugar maybe four times. I was lying to everyone—all of these new, fresh faces. I wanted to appear as though I was in the best state of health, for being a type 1 diabetic. I met quite a few parents of type 1 children, and one woman had remarked how "wonderful" I looked, for having lived with this disease for 23 years. I felt awful, and guilty, on the inside. I couldn't reveal my secret.

Also during this time, I chose to not renew my lease with my apartment. I had a realtor, and was going through the stressful process of buying a home.

Stress, actually, is an understatement. It was pure torture. It was a lot to handle, and I thought by avoiding my diabetes, that it would make it easier. My logic was jolted—I could barely keep two thoughts together.

I would struggle upon waking up everyday. I had my clinic manager's telephone number on my iPhone screen, ready to dial her, and tell her that I wouldn't be making it into work for the day, however, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't like disappointing people (I'm sure that no one does), and I didn't feel like explaining myself over a telephone.

No one at work knew; I didn't want to tell anyone and end up revealing my weakness.

I also did not tell my family.

It's very hard to explain type 1 diabetes, and the psychological impact it has on a person who lives with it. I chose to avoid that road, because I didn't want to deal with it.

March 31st came, the day of closing on my new home. I left work early to meet my realtor at the title agency.

The following week, I moved my life into my new house. I moved every single box that had staked out in my tiny apartment. Moving was miserable; I was so out of shape and weak from my high blood sugars. My muscles were so tight, and I was stiff.

My family and my best friend helped me move my furniture into my house thereafter.

I learned how to mow a lawn, which was a terrifying experience, being that it was brand new to me. This past weekend, I mowed my entire lawn without supervision from my father (or my neighbor), and I literally thought that I was going to die. I almost called the ambulance for myself. I checked my blood sugar that morning, just for shits and giggles, and it was 548 mg/dL. I figured, with all of the push-mowing that I would be doing, it would come down on its own, and I wouldn't have to worry about it.

Boy, was I wrong.

The sun was up, and the temperatures had increased to 75 degrees. I had to take multiple breaks between finishing the lawn; My heart felt as though it was going to beat out of my chest, and I couldn't catch my breath.

I sat down on the concrete steps, on the side of my house, that led into the kitchen. I was panting, and begging God to let me live. I knew that I had taken one too many chances, and I literally thought, "This is it—I'm going to die right here in my driveway."

Thankfully, I caught my breath, after resting for 15 minutes. The tightness in my chest had subsided, and my pulse was back to a normal rate.

After I finished with the yard work, I checked my blood sugar—488 mg/dL. I chose to take a correction bolus, only because I truly thought I would drop dead, at any moment.

It was only this last week, that my eyes were truly opened.

I met a 33 year old female, who had been diabetic for 10 years. Her list of complications was extensive—a gastric pacer, a neurogenic bladder, and a left foot amputation. She let me look at it. All that was left, was a heel stump. She told me her story, and I cried. I hugged her, and thanked her for letting me see what could potentially be my future.

That same afternoon, I called my endocrinologist's office to schedule what would be my first office visit since September.

I saw my endocrinologist today.

My hemoglobin a1c was 10%, which surprised me—I thought it was going to be closer to 14%.

Dr. Christofides did not judge me, nor did she criticize me. She listened to me, and helped me form a plan.

It's currently 8:31 PM, on Tuesday, April 29, 2014. I have a plan for my health, and I have until June 3, 2014, to make an improvement.

My doctor and I have a plan.

I have a plan.

My plan is this—take small steps toward recovery. I am a work in progress; I am not perfect, and I am not a "model" patient. I am going to make mistakes, and I know that being a "repeat offender" is only going to hurt me in the long run. So, I am making conscious, daily decisions about caring for myself. Being here for me, and thinking of me.

It's like Zig Ziglar had said, several times, in his career as an author and motivational speaker—“It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.”

I'm going to take that chance, and see how high I can bounce.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Reflecting on World Diabetes Day

Today is International Diabetes Day (AKA World Diabetes Day). 

This year is actually my first year celebrating it.

I couldn't wait to put on my blues today!

Earlier last week, I had sent out an office memo to my co-workers of medical assistants, physicians, and nurse practitioners. 

Facts and mission statements were noted in my memo. I provided a brief history on insulin, as well as the scientists who led to the discovery of this life-saving therapy. 

I then asked everyone to wear something blue to show their support for me, and help raise awareness of type 1 diabetes. 

The response was overwhelming. 

Our director of CarePoint East, the building I work in, copy and pasted my memo, and forwarded it to each and every employee in our building (almost 600 people). 

I walked into work today, and EVERYONE was wearing blue! Blue scarves, blue ties, blue dress shirts, blue scrubs, even blue shoes! I was so overwhelmed and humbled by the support. 

The certified diabetes educators in our Diabetes Research Center walked around the building all day, taking photos, and quizzing everyone on the difference between the types of diabetes.

I feel so lucky to work with healthcare professionals who treat me like one of their own; It feels amazing to have support from the people I work with and see everyday. 

This first photo is only 1/4 of my office. Left to right, is Dr. Kim Fisher, Shaneata (my best friend and fellow medical assistant), me, Donnita Tate, our nurse practitioner, and Dr. Andrew Schreiner. 

This photo is Dr. Michael Langan, our residency program director. He has the best sense of humor you'll ever see in a person; his patients are crazy about him, and he knows a lot about diabetes! 

This photo is Dr. Kimberly Fisher, one of our second-year residents, with Dr. Andrew Schreiner, one of our attendings who precepts our residency clinic two days a week.

I'm glad I participated this year; it is so very important to advocate diabetes. So many people don't understand the "whole picture." I'm thankful to have lived 22 years with type 1 diabetes; It has helped shape me into the well-rounded young woman that I am. 

I can't wait for next year!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Could You Be The Most Beautiful Girl in The World?

October 22, 2013.

I woke up around 5:30 AM to shower, and get ready for work. 

After my shower, I put a towel over my head and walked into my kitchen to take my Synthroid and my supplements. My phone had a text message, at 5:57 AM. It was my mom. "r u up" it asked. I texted back that I was, and is everything alright? "Katie is in labor, water broke."


My sister and my amazing brother in law, Drew, were finally going to become parents, and make me an aunt to this amazing baby girl.

I went into work, to open the clinic, turn on the TV in our lobby, print the doctors out their schedules, etcetera. 

I called my clinic manager at 7:08 to tell her about the good news. We agrees that I could stay until the 8:30 medical assistants clocked in. 

My patients arrived for their appointments, and I couldn't conceal my excitement. I told them what was happening, and everyone wished me well when I left around 8:36. 

I drove from Columbus to Delaware, which is about a 45 minute commute, but with the morning traffic, it set me back about an hour and a half.

Once I reached my exit, I filled my gas tank and stopped for coffee. It took another 20 minutes to get to the hospital.

Parking was so easy; I was relieved.

I walked in the automatic doors of the main entrance, and was greeted by a brunette sitting at the Information Desk.

"May I help you?" she offered. "Yes, if my sister is currently in labor, where do I need to go?" I asked. She directed me around the corner to the elevators, and instructed me to take it to the 4th floor: Labor & Delivery. 

I remember passing the hospital gift shop and coffee shop; oh man! They have Starbucks coffee here? I could have saved some misery going through the drive thru! No matter!

I got to the 4th floor and turned to the right, as previously instructed. The maternity waiting room was very small, with 2 flat screen Plasma TV's. There was a call light that had to be pressed to enter. The card read, “Please state your name and reason for visit.” 

Someone responded, "May I help you?" I advised them that I was Katie's sister. Open Sesame. The double doors opened wide, and I cautiously walked through them to the nurses's station. 

Once I was escorted to my sister's room, I walked in to find her tied up to IV's. She had a nasal oxygen mask on. Panic set in. Drew was sitting beside her, and he greeted me with a big hug. 

Katie said the contractions were, "no joke." She prides herself on being able to tolerate certain degrees of pain, but she said these were unbearable. Every 3 minutes. 

I laughed when she told me about her water breaking. She admitted she felt loopy from the epidural she had received, just minutes before I got there. 

Her nurses's name was Megan; she was very personable, and I was happy with how she was treating my sister. 

The nurse decided to start another IV to kick start Katie's contractions. I decided to go back to their house to hang out with my mom; I wanted them to have this moment together, without their kid sister getting in the way. 

I left around 10:08, and got back to Katie and Drew's new home. You can still smell the fresh paint when you walk in; I love that.

I found my mom vacuuming their living room, while our dog, Maggie, was patiently wagging her tail at me.

I made some coffee, and sat down to hang out with Mom and Maggie.

At about 12:30, we got a text message from Katie; she was fully dilated! We grabbed some miscellaneous items, and a baby gift, and headed out the door.

When we got there, Katie looked sleepy, and was watching a horror movie on Sci-Fi. Drew was pacing. Drew's parents arrived, and we hung out in her delivery room for about 30 minutes, before the show was ready to get on the road.

Drew's parents and I waited in the maternity lobby for over an hour. We were told at 2:30 that she had just started pushing. 

At 4:15, I was growing impatient. I kept ringing the call light for the maternity ward. "Hello?" someone asked. "Yes, this is Katie's sister. Is she OK?" I asked, breathlessly. "She just started pushing," someone responded. I was in disbelief. Someone has these important events turned around. I needed to know; I'm the aunt of that baby! 

The double doors to the ward opened up, and a nurse who must have just finished her shift, saw all 4 of us standing there, waiting for some kind of update. 

"You guys can't go back there yet." 


Another half hour passed. We asked a nurse in the hallway about Katie and Drew. She went to ask another nurse at the station; when she came back, she was smiling! Elliana was here! She had been born! She advised us that Drew would be out shortly, to deliver the good news.

Drew came out of the ward, in all smiles, with a paper mask hanging around his neck. Elliana Joy was born at 4:51. She was 8 pounds, 7 ounces, and measured 21" long. He showed us pictures; she had a full head of dark hair, and gorgeous, chubby cheeks! 

We wanted to go back, but Katie was doing skin-to-skin contact with Elliana. Drew told us to go have dinner somewhere, and come back.

We went to the Bag of Nails Pub that was up the street. All of us ordered our food and ate it in record time. Drew's dad ordered meals to go for the new parents. 

We met back at the ward, and Katie's best friend since childhood, Lesley, greeted me. 

We all walked into the ward to Katie's room. Katie looked beautiful; she was sitting upright in the bed, with Elliana in her arms. 

Elliana is perfect! She has the longest lashes you've ever seen. Her nails were so long! She didn't make a sound, she was so content. 

We all took our turns holding her, and watched the nurses give her a bath, as well as her immunizations. My baby girl niece is perfect! I am in shock! I still can't believe she's here! I just spent the last 7 months rubbing my sister's belly, and talking to her, and now, here she is!

Lots of tears were shed; ones of pure joy. 

My dad and my brother came up the very next day to visit with Elliana. 

Since she has been born, I have changed her and held her countless times. She is a very good baby. I'm known as Aunt Meggie, or Auntie M! 

It's the best feeling. My sister and Drew are such great parents; I'm so lucky to have the family I've got. 

Until next time...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Cinderella Story

Last night was interesting.

It started out as an ordinary Wednesday evening after work. 

I popped in Jim Henson's "Labyrinth" (circa 1986), and measured out some cereal to munch on. 

My living room was dark, except for the candle lights flickering. 

My vision started to get fuzzy, and spotty. I brushed it off as just needing to take my contacts out. I checked my Dexcom; it was 82, and I had just confirmed it with a finger stick glucose, not even ten minutes before (my meter had said 76). 

Then my brain started feeling fuzzy. I was getting tunnel vision, and I started getting the head tics that happen, right before a seizure happens. 

I started panicking and ran over to my meter bag. I struggled to get a single test strip out of its bottle, and it took me two or three tries to get the test strip inserted into the meter the correct way.

I pricked my finger, and because I was snuggled under a blanket, and my fingertips were still warm, the blood came flowing out, and ran down my finger and pooled into my palm. Five seconds later, the number on my meter that greeted me sent me into sheer panic.


31, 31, 31.

My heart immediately started racing; I couldn't tell if it was out of rhythm, because it was pounding so fast.

I paced back and forth in my tiny apartment; ran into the bedroom, nothing there. Ran into the living room, nothing there. Raced to the kitchen, and looked into the refrigerator. Two Juicy Juice boxes. I grabbed them, and ripped off the straw, unwrapping it and trying to insert the straw into the top of it. I broke my straw. I grabbed the other juice box, and couldn't get the straw in, so I gave up and threw it. 

I found my stash of Gala apples from the apple orchard, and bit into it. The juice was cold, and so sweet. It tasted so good. I rummaged through my cabinet and found my half-eaten jar of Jif peanut butter, and started scooping it out with my fingers. I coated my entire mouth with peanut butter, praying the sugar from the apple, and the "protein" in the peanut butter would bring me back up. 

I checked Dex again; double arrows pointing down, and not even a reading, just the word, "LOW." 

I started hyperventilating, and crying. 

I am alone in my apartment with a severely low blood sugar, and there is no one to help me save my life, but myself.

I'm still having the head tics at this point, and I can't support my weight by standing up in my kitchen, so I sink to the kitchen floor and lean up against the cabinets for support.

I can hear the Labyrinth blaring in the background; my favorite part! The "Dance Magic Dance" scene! I'm trying to sing along, and picture the movie playing out in my head, but I can't focus. I can't keep my thoughts together. The only thing that is permanent, is this:

"Keep eating, Meghann. Keep eating. Keep eating. Keep eating."

After I finish the apple and peanut butter (I didn't even wipe my hands off, let alone wash them of sticky apple and peanut butter), I went back out into my living room. The movie is still playing. Dex keeps vibrating and beeping at me. Still double down arrows and LOW. 

I feel awful, I'm scared. I can't breathe. I'm shaking. I'm terrified I'm going to have a full-blown seizure and pass out. Who will find my body, if the worst happened? I remember thanking myself for wearing my medical bracelet with my mom and dad's telephone number on it. 

I'm laying on the floor of my living room, curled up in a ball. Terrified. 

I look up to the clock to see what time it is. 9:08. This started at 8:56. 

Then my eyes fell on it—the glass pumpkin jar, filled with my fall favorite—candy corn. I remember yelping out in happiness; pure sugar. Something I know for sure will raise my blood sugar. 

I remember buying the bag, over 2 weeks ago, at Wal-Mart with my mom. She scolded me, and told me I shouldn't eat them. But the $2.25 bag of Brach's candy corn ended up saving my life. 

I shoved 42 pieces of candy corn into my mouth and chewed them as fast as I could. I wanted that sugar to coat the inside of my body and raise my blood sugar as high as possible. I didn't care how high, I just didn't want to die. 

While still chewing, I made it into my bedroom, and fell face first into my pillows.

I texted my mom. 

"Blood sugar went super low to 31 but I am ok. Ate a lot of food, just wanted you to know."

I can feel my vision coming back. My thoughts stop racing. My heart isn't pounding anymore, and I'm no longer having head tics. 

Mom tells me to test my blood sugar again; 136. Fifteen minutes later, 167. 

I feel so much better. Everything happened so quickly. One of the most terrifying moments of my life. The sheer desperation of eating to live, and the fear of being alone combined, wore me out. I cried from relief, and a little embarrassment. 

Mom and I made plans via text messaging to recheck my blood sugar at midnight. 

It's amazing how something so insignificant, like candy corn, can be such a beacon of hope in a moment of desperation. 

That small, pumpkin-shaped glass jar filled of candy corns saved my life. And maybe the Gala apple and Jif peanut butter! 

This Cinderella made it home before midnight, and lived to tell the story.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Story

I have had type 1 diabetes, or "juvenile" onset diabetes, since 1990.


I was four and a half years old when I was diagnosed.


Living with type 1 diabetes is no easy feat; the decisions I make are primarily based around my disease. I am consistently testing my limits, wondering if the choices I make will affect me and my disease in a positive or negative way.


People try to understand – people say that they can “totally relate,” when the reality is: You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea.


A day in the lifeI am a walking pin cushion. In the days before my Medtronic insulin pump and my Dexcom CGM, I had to test my blood sugar up to eight times per day. Can you imagine drawing blood from yourself before and after each meal, or any time you didn’t feel good? How about injecting a chemically engineered liquid that saves you from winding up six feet under, more than 5 times per day? The thought makes many nauseous, but it’s unfortunately become routine for me.

When my parents and my endocrinologist gave me the reins to take care of my disease on my own, I abused it. More on my story with diabulimia can be found in earlier posts.


I was denied the privilege of having my driver’s license at 16 – my parents wouldn’t even let me get my permit until I started taking better care of myself to bring my hemoglobin A1c down.


I finally obtained my driver’s license at 17 and a half years old – well into my junior year of high school, when most of my friends had already been driving since they turned 16.


I was also unable to attend college after graduating high school, which at the time, was hard to understand from my parents point of view. I wasn’t healthy, I was having too many high blood sugars, and having intermittent seizures from low blood sugars – they couldn’t trust me to take care of myself, and they were scared. I understand this now, but at the time, I was angry. It was no one’s fault but my own. So, while my friends were getting ready to pack up for college and have the experience of their lives, I was working two jobs and applying at technical/trade schools for medical assisting and phlebotomy.


Being 27 years old now, and looking back at the 18 year old me, is such an out-of-body experience. Who was I back then?

I was a hypocrite—I wanted to be a nurse, to care for others, the way I have been cared for my entire life, but how could I even try to take care of my patients, when I didn’t even take care of myself?


In 2007, I started using an insulin pump, but the process to get one wasn’t easy.  I had to keep a log for 60-80 days. I had to write out my blood sugars (up to eight times per day), the food that I ate, the amount of insulin I used, and the correction that was needed. My doctor even had me wear a CGM, or “continuous glucose monitor” for seven days. The needle/sensor that they injected into my belly was a good 1” long, and I won’t lie, it hurt! The CGM (circa 2006-2007) looked like a cardiac Holter monitor, and it was concealed in a black bag with a strap that I had to wear on my shoulder, like a purse. I had to put a Ziplock bag over it when I showered. It was exhausting, but for the first time, I wanted the change. I worked my butt off, and my hemoglobin A1c that was consistently between 10% and 12%, dropped to 7%, one month before I received my insulin pump. I achieved that on my own, and I was so proud of myself.


At that point, I was 21 years old, and had a great job with great insurance, but I was still worried about the cost of an insulin pump.


After my physician submitted a letter of medical necessity to my insurance company, all I had to do was wait.


I finally received a phone call from a “Juan” at Medtronic. The call came while I was getting ready to sit down to dinner. Once Juan delivered the news that, yes, I was approved to receive an insulin pump, and yes, it was covered 100% by my insurance company, I sank to my kitchen floor and started crying. This was going to change my life. This would possibly extend my life. No more injections? Like, ever? I couldn’t believe it.


Pump training was miserable. All great changes are preceded by chaos, am I right? My dad was laid off from work at the time (winter of 2007), so he drove us to Toledo and attended the 3 hour long class with me. It’s funny, to me, because those are some great memories of just my dad and I.


We learned how to draw up insulin into the reservoir, how to inject the infusion set, how to remove the infusion set, and how to disconnect from your pump. Confusing, right? Are you still with me?


For a week, I had to infuse saline with my pump, instead of insulin, just until I got the hang of it. I was still using injections, but I would have to remember to enter my blood sugar and the amount of carbohydrates (measured in grams) I was eating into the insulin pump, so it could calculate the amount of insulin (or saline) I would need to cover my meal and my blood sugar, if a correction bolus was warranted.


The most hilarious part of training and learning to use my insulin pump on my own, were the mini “freak outs” I had. I was frustrated with learning. I couldn’t get it perfect each time I tried, and that made me crazy (because I’m a perfectionist)! I remember running downstairs before I got in the shower, telling my dad that I couldn’t disconnect my infusion set from my body—it’s going to be stuck there forever! I’m going to die! Oh my God! Help! It always makes me smile when I think about it, how overwhelming change can be. I am the world's biggest drama queen, because I made my dad attempt to disconnect my pump with a pair of PLIERS! So hilarious!


I moved to Columbus in 2009, which was nerve-racking. How would I be able to care for my diabetes so far away from home and the familiar? At the time, the insurance I had through the first hospital I worked at had ridiculously expensive co-pays for my insulin and my pump supplies; Three hundred dollars plus! I went back to using injections temporarily, because it was what I could afford.


The first endocrinologist I established care with through Mount Carmel was awful. He never kept eye contact with me. He didn’t explain his plan of care for me. He billed my insurance company as Type 2 Diabetes. I was angry. He never listened to me. I felt like he didn’t want to help. I was dealing with my own personal hell, and this guy wasn’t making my life any easier.


I would intermittently just skip doses of my insulin to save money, and because I was still struggling with diabulimia.


At the time, I was working full-time at a cardiology office, where 14 physicians dictated my whole shift. I was given dirty looks when I would take a break to test my blood sugar, or run to the break room to drink juice for a low blood sugar. To the doctors I worked for—who only knew the cardiovascular side of medicine—stopping to check my blood sugar, or treating a low blood sugar meant that I was "brittle," or "uncontrolled." It meant weakness.


There was one exceptional cardiologist that I worked for, who advised me to stop seeing the endocrinologist I had just established care with, and to make an appointment with one he recommended. “You’ll love her!” he exclaimed. His excitement for this endocrinologist gave me newfound hope.


Since establishing care with my new endocrinologist, I feel confident working 50+ hours a week and living alone.


I applied for a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) by a company called Dexcom in February of 2012A sensor is inserted under my skin (subcutaneously), and stays there for approximately seven to fourteen days. The receiver, which looks like an iPod, transmits the data and allows me to track my blood sugars via graphing. 

I met with my area Dexcom representative at Panera one evening after work, and she showed me how to use it, and how to insert the sensor under my skin, which was another frustrating learning experience. I didn't want to say goodbye to her—I needed her! She took me in the women's restroom and inserted my first sensor for me. The whole time, I'm just standing there, completely overwhelmed, but smiling and verbalizing that I understood what she had just shown me and taught me. Oops.

I wish someone could have seen my mini “freak out” (the sequel) when I had to change the sensor for the first time by myself. I was dancing around, fake crying, and being so over dramatic (as usual) about it! I had Kerri, my Dexcom representative on speaker phone, coaching me through it. It took me about a half hour to insert a new sensor by myself, and now, months later, it takes me less than 10 seconds to insert one!


The Dexcom has been extremely crucial and beneficial to my disease. I love being able to know what my blood sugar is, at any given moment. I can confirm the blood sugar reading on my Dexcom by doing a finger stick glucose, and 90% of the time, they match.


Now that you know a little bit about my background, let me tell you about the “Diabetes Police” or the people who constantly criticize the way I care for myself and my diabetes.


The “Diabetes Police” are those individuals (even a group of people) who constantly feel the need to judge everything I eat. These people are sorely uneducated. They shake their finger at me when I have ice cream or pasta. They tell me I will eventually die from eating these things. Are you kidding me right now? You know what I want to say to them? “If you keep eating the way YOU eat, you’ll end up with Type 2 diabetes, and then we’ll actually have something in common!”


Just because I have diabetes, doesn’t mean I can’t eat something. I can eat anything I desire, anything I am craving, anything that a “normal” person eats, I just have to make sure that I take the correct dose of insulin to break down the nuclear content of the food, in order to convert it into energy, like someone with a working pancreas does.


If I don’t take enough insulin for something I eat, I’ll have a high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). When my blood sugar is high, I need take insulin to bring it back down. This is known as a correction bolus. I don’t feel good when my blood sugar is high. I feel grouchy, impatient and so thirsty. I feel feverish, like I have the flu. I need to drink lots of water to prevent the blood sugar from rising even higher, and from developing ketones in my urine. Ketones in my urine could be the beginning stages of DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), which is potentially fatal to type 1 diabetics.


If I take too much insulin, or get too much exercise, I’ll have a low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). When my blood sugar is low, I need to eat 15 or more grams of carbohydrate (with a small dose of protein to stabilize the blood sugar), like peanut butter crackers, or Goldfish crackers. I also need to drink juice, or a regular soda—something with fast-acting sugars. I can eat candy, such as Smarties, or Nerds (my favorite!) to bring my blood sugar back up to an acceptable level. I can usually feel when I am low; you feel shaky, sweaty, and hungry. I also get very irritable and near-impossible to deal with. I usually explain to others that my low blood sugars feel like borderline intoxication. I have trouble thinking and processing information. After I eat a snack, I usually wait 15-20 minutes to recheck my blood sugar. If it’s still low, I have to eat more to bring it back up. The lower my blood sugar gets, I can become combative. My mom used to tell me I had "super human strength" when my blood sugar dropped to a level where I required assistance. Falls put me at risk with extreme lows. Low blood sugars can be just as dangerous as a high blood sugar; in the past, I have had seizures from going so low. This is considered a true diabetic emergency—I would need the assistance of an EMT to administer what is called a Glucagon (a manmade hormone injection) to raise my blood sugar quickly. I have not had a true emergency since 2001, and for that, I am grateful. The side effects of the Glucagon shot are not pleasant! Vomiting and feverish for hours!


Having type 1 diabetes has also subjected me to teasing and ridicule from people. Co-workers, friends, family members, and strangers offer me their two cents on a daily basis. I don’t mind answering questions and providing education where I can, but the teasing, especially since I am a 27 year old woman, is uncalled for.


I currently work in a medical office, and each day at lunch, there is a gang of women who are ready to pounce on me at a moment’s notice when I walk into the break room to make my lunch.


My lunch usually consists of a large salad—not because I have to eat it, but because I want to eat it; I enjoy salad. These women always roll their eyes at me and announce, “Oh, here she comes with her huge salad! How do you eat that? Ew! I’m so glad I don’t have diabetes so that I don’t have to eat that crap.” One day, I had finally had enough, so I provided detailed information and education on type 1 diabetes. I don’t think they listened to a damn word I said, because they were still asking stupid questions like, “Did you get diabetes because you had too much sugar as a kid?” and providing commentary, such as  “My cousin has diabetes and he is so overweight. Did you lose weight to become a type one?”

The only thing you can do in a situation like this is to find a different place to eat your lunch every day.

I once had a physician, whom I worked for, tell me that I would lose my feet from eating too much sugar. First of all, you’re a doctor—you should know the laws of diabetes have changed, and type ones can eat whatever they would like, to their heart’s desire, as long as a sufficient amount of insulin is provided. His nurse would also constantly badger me about every single thing I put in my mouth—even gum!

Strangers are a whole different playing field. I have people accuse me of wearing a pain pump, saying things such as, “Wow, you don’t look like you are in as much pain as I am in. My doctor won’t even prescribe Percocet.” I explain that it is an insulin pump to help infuse insulin for my type 1 diabetes. The woman then goes on to say that, “You must have it bad, then.” I tell her that I wasn’t aware a ‘bad’ kind existed.

My mom tells me stories all the time about when I was younger, and the terrible things people said to her about me. “Say goodbye to your old daughter,” one woman had said. “She’s gone. This is the new Meghann.” What sort of heartless person says that to a terrified young mother?


The only thing I can do is to just ignore the ignorance, continue to provide education at each opportunity, and smile through the tears.


As I have said, many times before—diabetes is hard.


I assume I was chosen by God to live with this disease, so that I can be a symbol. What kind of symbol, you ask? A symbol of strength, courage, and bravery. I want to use this opportunity to be a light in someone else’s darkness—a sign of hope.


To me—That’s worth fighting for.